Aon (front row: 3rd from left) and Kimberly (front row: 3rd from right) pose with the participants of the conference.
Two MMR staff attended the five day Conference on HIV-AIDS organized by Catholic Asia-Pacific Coalition on HIV/AIDS (CAPCHA) last 10th -14th of September 2012 in Bangkok.
This Conference addressed the global issues and trends about HIV-AIDS with special emphasis on Asia-Pacific.
Aon and Kimberly, both MMR health workers, were both appreciative of the things that they learned from the conference ,and also, for the chance of meeting other people who are journeying with individuals and families who are suffering from HIV-AIDS disease.
The conference was attended by individuals and sectors who came from different countries of Asia and the Pacific, who are rendering services to HIV-AIDS victims and their families.
MMR has been assisting the Burmese migrants with HIV-AIDS in Ranong for the past four years.